Hydrolate in accordance with the organic production directive
Plants guaranteed from the Inizio natural garden
Silverweed-hydrolate Organic
✓ 100% natural hydrolate made of Potentilla anserina (flower, leaf, stem)
- cultivated, watersteam-destilled and bottled in Vorarlberg
- in 100 ml amber glas bottles
- incl. spray head
- without alcohol and preservatives
✓ Fields of application
- as an antispasmodic care in the case of menstrual complaints
- as an antispasmodic care in the case of gastroduodenal complaints,...
- as a nourishing care in the case of varicose veins, swollen feets and legs
- as an antispasmodic care in the case of cramps in the calf
- as a strengthen, astringent care for inflammation of the oral mucosa, gum bleeding, sore throat...
More information about the use of hydrolates (only available in German)
✓ Scent and therapeutic effect of silverweed
- silverweed hydrolate smells inconspicuous, a little bit tangy
- antispasmodic, astringent, relaxing, anti-inflammatory, styptic
✓ Ingredients of silverweed
- tan agents
- bitter principles
- mucilage
- favonoids
- cumarins
You really want to know, what the hydrolate consists of?
Here you can find all ingredients:
✓ silverweed
✓ water
The silverweed, which is used for the Inizio hydrolate, is locally grown in Vorarlberg/Austria. It is harvested by hand between april and octobre on a sunny day after the dew has dried and when it is in full bloom. It will be always watersteam-destilled at the day of the harvest. To receive a balanced, harmonious aroma we use mainly leafs, but also flowers an stems.
Silverweed-hydrolate smells inconspicuous, a little bit tangy. Silverweed is a common weed in Central Europa. You can find it in most temperate zones of the northern hemisphere. The inconspicuous herb will never recieve attention by most of us, but it is a really efficient medicinal herb and a valuable food supplement. Silverweed is a very good cramp herb. That's why it is used in the case of gastroduodenal cramps, diarrhoea with cramps, crampy cough, as well as in the case of spasmodic, painful menstruation complaints. But that's not the only reason why silverweed is a famous female herb – it can also be used as a supporting care in the case of myomas. Even when suffering from varicose veins or cramps in the calf, silverweed can be used internal as well as external in the form of a compress. Other applications are as a rinse in the case of inflammation of the oral mucosa, gum bleeding or sore throat. In former times silverweed was also used for internal bleeding as well as for nose bleeding, nowadays this applications are rare.
Learn more about silverweed
Pure water
The water, which is used for the production of hydrolates, is pure and untreated water from the ground water fields in the foreshore of the Rhine. The Lustenauer drinking water needs no treatment, because it is water of the very best quality. Through the process of destillation pure hydrolat is formed.
Picked by hand and destilled in Austria
pure natural care agents
without alcohol, preservatives
free of artificial ingredients!
not tested on animals
without ingredients from dead animals
More information about hydrolates
(Information only available in German)